

Yes , we gladly accept people willing to help. This will allow us to invite you fully, festival ticket and a place in our camp included. 


What is the work required ? 

  • 4 days prior : unstoring the material and cleaning
  • 3 days prior : traveling to the festival ground
  • 2 days to 0 prior the festival : build up
  • During the festival : you enjoy your time.
  • 0 days to 2 after the festival : build down
  • 3 days after : traveling to the original point
  • 4 days after: cleaning and storing the material


What do you get ?

  1. 1 crew ticket with food.
  2. 1 tent for yourself or 1 tent shared with another volunteer.
  3. Free travel to and from the festival.
  4. There is more.


How can we apply ?

Please reach us via our contact page regarding this.

Here we go !